NOTE: If it was actually encrypted and you actually had no clue what it was encrypted with, you would be screwed, because any good encryption algorithm turns the output into meaningless gibberish, unusable without the key. Base64 has no key, you can just reverse it the same way every time.

NOTE: If it was actually encrypted and you actually had no clue what it was encrypted with, you would be screwed, because any good encryption algorithm turns the output into meaningless gibberish, unusable without the key. Base64 has no key, you can just reverse it the same way every time. What is RSA encryption and how does it work? | Comparitech Dec 10, 2018 The Best Article For Algorithms and Cryptography (Examples) An algorithm is a set of rules for solving a problem, which, if done properly, will give a correct answer each time. Algorithms generally involve repeating a series of steps over and over, as in the borrowing and carrying algorithms and in the long multiplication and division algorithms. What are the characteristics of a good algorithm - Answers Every algorithm should have the following five characteristics: 1. Input 2. Output 3. Definiteness 4. Effectiveness 5. Termination

Jan 29, 2020 · Folder Lock is a good option when it comes to adding encryption to your mobile devices. The app can protect your personal files, photos, videos, contacts, wallet cards, notes and audio recordings

Microsoft Office password protection is a security feature to protect Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) documents with a user-provided password. As of Office 2007, this uses modern encryption; earlier versions used weaker systems and are not considered secure. Making "Good" Encryption Algorithms . So far, the encryption algorithms we have seen have been trivial, intended primarily to demonstrate the concepts of substitution and permutation. At the same time, we have examined several approaches cryptanalysts use to attack encryption algorithms. Jul 13, 2020 · An encryption algorithm is like a black box. Dump a document, image, or other file into it, and you get back what seems like gibberish. Run that gibberish back through the box, with the same Question: The Characteristics Of A Good Algorithm Are:Precision – The Steps Are Precisely Stated(defined).Uniqueness – Results Of Each Step Are Uniquely Definedand Only Depend On The Input And The Result Of The Precedingsteps.Finiteness – The Algorithm Stops After A Finite Number Ofinstructions Are Executed.Input – The Algorithm Receives Input.Output

Microsoft Office password protection - Wikipedia

Oct 01, 2019 · The key space of a good encryption algorithm should be large enough to resist brute-force attacks. The secret key of the proposed encryption algorithm is composed of the SHA-512 hash values of the plain image and the initial keys: x 01, y 01, x 02, y 02, a 0 and b 0 as described in Section 3.1. Encryption. 8/15/2019; 4 minutes to read +2; In this article. Encryption is an important part of your file protection and information protection strategy. This article provides an overview of encryption for Office 365. Get help with encryption tasks like how to set up encryption for your organization and how to password-protect Office documents.