Simple Mail Transfer Protocol - Wikipedia, den frie

The objective of Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) is to transfer mail reliably and efficiently. SMTP is independent of the particular transmission subsystem and requires only a reliable ordered data stream channel. Obsoletes RFC 788, 780, and 772. SMTP - Plesk Oct 17, 2019 Simple Mail Transfer Protocol – Wikipedie Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (zkratka SMTP) je internetový protokol určený pro přenos zpráv elektronické pošty mezi přepravci elektronické pošty (MTA). Protokol zajišťuje doručení pošty pomocí přímého spojení mezi odesílatelem a adresátem; zpráva je doručena do tzv. poštovní schránky adresáta, ke které potom může uživatel kdykoli přistupovat (vybírat zprávy RFC 5321 - Simple Mail Transfer Protocol RFC 5321 SMTP October 2008 o Editorial and clarification changes to RFC 2821 [] to bring that specification to Draft Standard.It obsoletes RFC 821, RFC 974, RFC 1869, and RFC 2821 and updates RFC 1123 (replacing the mail transport materials of RFC 1123).However, RFC 821 specifies some features that were not in significant use in the Internet by the mid-1990s and (in appendices) some additional

The Anti-Spam SMTP Proxy (ASSP) server project is an Open Source, Perl based, platform-independent transparent SMTP proxy server that leverages numerous methodologies and technologies to both rigidly and adaptively identify e-mail spam. ASSP is easy to set up because it requires only minor changes to the configuration of your your Mail Transfer

What is SMTP? - Speedcheck SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) is a TCP/IP protocol, basically a set of rules and guidelines that a system has to follow, which is used in sending and receiving information in the form of electronic mail. However, it is actually restricted and lacks a few features, such as the ability to queue messages at the receiving end since it is usually used by either IMAP (Internet Message Access SMTP Error 451 [KnownHost Wiki]

The objective of Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) is to transfer mail reliably and efficiently. SMTP is independent of the particular transmission subsystem and requires only a reliable ordered data stream channel. Obsoletes RFC 788, 780, and 772.

SMTP is the de facto standard for email transmission across the internet. SMTP is a relatively simple, text-based protocol, where one or more recepients of a message are specified (and in most cases verified to exist) and then the message text is transferred. It is quite easy to test a SMTP server using the telnet program.